
Repeat Dispensing

Repeat Dispensing (or “batched” prescriptions) is a different way of obtaining your medication:

  • The surgery will generate a “repeatable” prescription, which will be made available at the pharmacy on the dates when it is due, without the need for you to order a prescription from the surgery each time.
  • The exact duration of the prescription/number of issues will depend on your medication and the dates of your next review/s or blood tests, but it may be up to a maximum of 12 months.
  • Once you collect the last prescription from your batch, you should contact the practice to organise a new batch and any pending reviews; then a new batch prescription can be issued.
  • This system typically works very well if you are on a small number (four or less) of medications which are long term and are not likely to change, as it removes the need for you to order your medication from the practice each time. This system also helps to reduce the significant workload for your GP and practice staff in generating repeat prescriptions which means that this time can be used to improve patient care in other ways.
  • Repeat Dispensing will not work very well if your medication is changing or likely to change in the near future.
  • Note Controlled Drugs such as morphine, tramadol and diazepam cannot be prescribed in this way according to current law.

You can find out more from your community pharmacist. If you think this system may be more convenient that the traditional “Repeat” system, please call our reception team to arrange a telephone conversation to discuss whether this can be set up for you.


HRT Prepayment certificate

NHS Hormone Replacement Therapy Prescription Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC) | NHSBSA